Learn a step-by-step process for creating a borderline telepathic quiz that makes your dream customers and clients feel like you’re reading their minds. 

Sign me up!

“The money’s in the list” 

— Every Internet guru that ever existed 

So you go ALL in. 

Compelling landing page — CHECK ✔ 
Lead magnet — CHECK ✔
Email marketing software — CHECK ✔

Then you wait. 

… and wait. 

… and wait some more. 

For the inquiries, the leads, the sales — for the heartfelt “this is exactly what I needed!” emails to roll in. 

If building an email list full of your ideal customers and clients is proving to be a bit painful… 

Because, after all, it’s 2024 — the online market is SUPERsaturated. We have less than 8 seconds to capture the attention of the person on the other side of the screen.  

It wouldn’t hurt quite so bad if…  

… you didn’t NEED a sustainably growing and engaged email list in order to grow your online business. 

… every time you had an idea for a new offer you didn’t derail your sweet self by throwing down the “I don’t have a big enough audience yet” excuse (however valid it might be). 

… this wasn’t the #1 most important performance indicator for online businesses of every variety (I don’t need to tell you email has 40X the ROI than Facebook and Instagram combined, right? 😉)

I'm here to let you off the hook.

“The Audience Attraction Equation”

This can either be a hamster wheel-esque setback or the key to your inevitable success.

Let me introduce you to 

A quiz and an email list are just vehicles for getting there — but this equation is the gas (or, better yet, the fully charged Tesla battery *vroom vroom*)

If your list isn’t growing like you know it should, it’s time to take a look at your process for creating attraction + connection from the perspective of your audience. 

Audience ATTRACTION happens when:

  • The benefit outweighs the effort 
  • The answer to “WIIFM” aka. “What’s in it for me?” is clear 
  • You create a pattern interrupt that grabs attention and sparks curiosity 

CONNECTION happens when what you share: 

  • Makes your people feel good about themselves, confident in you, inspired, and supported
  • Offers them insights that reflect their current circumstances
  • Comes from a place of generosity

… only then can a CONVERSION happen. 

You can have the best offers on the planet but if you don’t have a captive audience, your best work will never see the light of day. 

You can engineer attraction and connection from the very top of your funnel


My hero Mr. Rogers once said…  

“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression”

Your lead magnet = your prospect’s first impression of the inside of your business 

(and we all know, it’s what on the inside that counts) 

I know that line sounds like it should be uttered by Eeyore, but here’s the good news… 

Over the years, I’ve tried a TON of lead magnets — from checklists to templates. But the one that catches the most attention and creates the most connection? ⇒ The misunderstood and wildly underrated QUIZ.

Interactive & Engaging

Psychology Driven & Curiosity Quenching

Taking a quiz feels a bit like chatting with your bestie.

Y’know, someone who actually listens when they ask you questions? 

And a good quiz gives people deep insights into everyone’s favorite topic: themselves.

Splendidly Specific

With a well-crafted quiz you can find out where your leads are in their customer journey (or health journey, or spiritual journey, etc.), what they most need your help with, their business goals, life goals, wellness goals, fashion goals, heck! You can even ask them how they like their eggs…

Then you can take all that info and make sure that you’re always sending them relevant, personal, and valuable content and offers.

 Curated for their own specific situation.

The stats don’t lie:

Interactive content is up to 80% more effective at holding people’s attention than static.

And there’s nothing more interactive or engaging than getting people to answer questions about themselves.

Why are quizzes the MVPs of generating leads and inspiring loyalty?


It ALL comes down to 3 things:

What other lead magnet can do ALL of this:

  • Inspire trust in seconds by making your prospects feel seen, heard, and understood

  • Tap into the principle of reciprocity by giving them guidance and insight into their personality or present circumstances

  • Create mesmerizing marketing by giving you deep insights into their struggles, wants, needs, and dreams

  • Set the stage for a meaningful relationship and help you help them with relevant offers and valuable content they can’t wait for

  • Ignite your click-through and open rates and sales by segmenting your list from the start

  • Boost your authority, position you as an expert, and spread your signature methodology and unique approach far and wide

  • Save you MAJOR moolah on ads

  • Go viral. Organically.


Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Mallory Maran

“Chanti and this program have changed my business and my life more than I could have ever imagined.
When I joined this program, I was only about 6 months into my online business and my revenue was about 3k per month. A couple months into joining and publishing my quiz/working on my funnel with Chanti’s help, my revenue more than doubled to about 7k. This past month, less than a year from when I joined, I hit 20k in revenue! It felt surreal to see my business grow that fast!"


April Castillo

“What I can say off of the top of my head is that you were the push behind what I needed to become a profitable copywriter. 

I have created 7 quizzes since November and I absolutely love the projects and love the people I am working with. The return on the investment for your program has been well worth it and I continue to get referrals for new contracts.

I can't imagine what the last few months would have been like without the skills I have learned from you."

Owner of The Contract Shop

Christina Scalera

“I've gotten so many responses of humor and delight — people telling me they haven't literally laughed out loud at a quiz ever, but they did with this one.

That kind of experience is something you just can't put a price on, because it builds trust and understanding in an automated way that converts into customers.

There is no one that understands the psychology of quizzes like Chanti.

Good Time & a Long Time

The average opt-in rate for lead magnets is just 1.95% — 4.75% is considered a roaring success. But the average opt-in rate for a middle of the road quiz? 10% or more 🤯 Now, before you start crunching the numbers, that’s almost a 10X improvement. 10X MORE leads. 10X MORE revenue.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about losing those leads in the long-term — because your quiz will give you the information you need to create ridiculously relevant follow-up sequences and offers that speak to your customers or clients’ unique needs.


… In one streamlined class


Discover how to build, segment, and learn more about the people on your email list…  

trusted by:


Ready to Connect with 10X More Crazy Qualified Leads Using a “This Person TOTALLY Gets Me” Type Quiz?


Inside, you’ll learn: 

  • A step-by-step process for creating and launching your minimum viable quiz in just 2 weeks

  • How to come up with a ridiculously compelling quiz idea that stands out from the crowd

  • The Signature Framework Formula for using your quiz to build authority (+ clout!) sans the heavy lifting

  • How to build your quiz into your BIG picture biz plan, sell more, and make scaling a whole lot easier

  • The 3 R’s that’ll make creating content for your quiz as easy as digging through your Google Drive and hitting copy/paste 

  • The Fill-In-The-Blanks guide to writing quiz results that BEG to be shared

  • How to come up with a segmentation strategy that makes sense for your audience and your business 

  • The 3 keys to kickass questions that delight and demand to be answered 

  • What needs to happen AFTER someone takes your quiz so you can build trust on autopilot and turn your new subscriber into a fan fo’ life

For just $497

or 6 payments of $97

You’ll Get:

Coming up with a compelling quiz idea, segmentation strategy, engaging questions, dopamine inducing results, and a game plan to go from strangers to subscribers to sales.

So you can take the guessing game outta trying to figure out which step to take when.

 That’s right, all that good content you’ve been creating can help make this quick ‘n dirty process a whole heck-of-a-lot more simple and streamlined.

(my fave quiz hosting platform) – so you can skip those how-to blogs & vids and get your quiz online ASAP.

250+ examples of quizzes organized by industry to inspire your process. 

to show you what’s possible AFTER someone takes your quiz. 

+ More supportive surprises!


3 Funnel Maps for Course Creators, Service Providers, and Product Based Businesses

Set-Up Tech Tutorial PLUS 20% Off Interact

The Quiz Class Fast-Track Timeline and Action Steps PDF

9 in-depth lessons including Q&A session that covers the A-Z on:

A Guide to Repurposing Existing Content for Your Quiz

My Personal Quiz Swipe File:

Join today and you'll get

Lesson 1

Create Your Big Picture Vision 

Get clear on what YOU and your dream customers or clients want and need from your quiz. Create a vision board that you can come back to for motivation throughout the quiz creation process.  

Lesson 2

Find Your Big Idea

Discover which type of quiz is right for your business, hone in on your signature framework and the personalized solution only you can offer, and come up with a quiz idea that’s irresistible to your ideal customers or clients.

Lesson 3

Determine Your Segmentation Strategy

Identify your segments so you can create highly relevant content and serve your customers or clients on a whole nother level. Plus, you’ll get what you need to start developing your results.

Lesson 4

Create Your Telepathic Viral-Worthy Quiz Results

Learn how to write quiz results that beg to be shared and are sure to win your dream customers and clients trust, including the 4 essential sections and my step-by-step process for repurposing content (👈 so you can press “publish” on your quiz in record time!) 

Lesson 5

Craft Questions That Beg To Be Answered

Discover the 3 types of questions EVERY quiz needs and how to make sure they correlate with your results. Plus, I’ll fill you in on what NOT to do (hint: we aren’t writing War and Peace here 👀)

Lesson 6

Set Up and Design Your Quiz

Get ready to take your new lead magnet from a Google Doc to a live, fully-functioning quiz! In this lesson, I’ll walk you through choosing the right quiz hosting software based on your unique needs and deciding how you’ll design your results.

Lesson 7

What Happens After Someone Takes Your Quiz

Your quiz is just the beginning! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to turn quiz takers into an engaged email list — and what to include in your post-quiz welcome sequence to create connection and weed out anyone and everyone who isn’t a perfect fit for you and your business. 

Lesson 8

How to Put What You’ve Learned Into Action

This is where the rubber meets the road! I’ll walk you through my timeline for creating and launching your minimum viable quiz in as little as 2 weeks so you can take action and stay on track. 

Lesson 9

Get Your Questions Answered

Take confusion out of the quiz creation equation (👈 try saying that 3 times fast 😅) with this 60+ minute pre-recorded Q&A. On top of gaining powerful insight into the process, you’ll learn about branching logic, conversion events, organic and paid traffic, and more.

PLUS a swoon-worthy stack of result boosting bonuses, including: 

The Quiz Class Fast-Track Timeline and Action Steps PDF – so you can quit the guessing game and start seeing meaningful results in as little time as possible

Set-Up Tech Tutorial PLUS 20% Off Interact (my fave quiz hosting platform) – so you can skip the how-tos and outdated tutorials and get your quiz online ASAP.

A Guide to Repurposing Existing Content for Your Quiz – that’s right, all that good content you’ve been creating can help make this process a whole heck-of-a-lot more simple and streamlined. 

My Personal Quiz Swipe File: 250+ examples of quizzes organized by industry to inspire your process. 

3 Funnel Maps for Course Creators, Service Providers, and Product Based Businesses to show you what’s possible AFTER someone takes your quiz.

Quizzes Capture 5-10x More Traffic than Static Lead Magnets

Which means…

Even if nothing else changes, everything still changes — your quiz has the potential to single-handedly overhaul your business, helping you achieve goals from building out your team to investing in yourself through coaching and education.

How? Well, if you know that 1% of your new subscribers will become customers or clients, then 5-10x more subscribers can create a truly meaningful difference in your dollar bills. 


Who am I to claim that I can teach you to create your own empathy driven, engaging, and high-converting lead magnet in a matter of a few hours?

Hey there, and welcome!

I’m Chanti Zak, Creator of Grow with Quizzes and the Empathy Marketing Ecosystem model, Founder of the Empathy Ecosystem Agency, Growth Coach, and Conversion Copywriting Specialist.

This is the part where I tell you all the reasons I’m qualified and accomplished so you’ll trust me to guide you on your journey to more subscribers and sales! 😉

I’ll get into that. But first, here’s a bit about who I am as a human… 

I’m a mama of 3 free-range cuties living on a homestead in the middle of nowhere (think mountains, hot springs, forests abundant in wild mushrooms, lakes, and rivers but only 2 restaurant choices 30-minutes away!) 

I’m married to my best friend and often get to stare at him chopping wood out my office window #livingthedream. 

7 years ago all I had was a high school diploma, a laptop I struggled to pay off at $50/month, and a serving gig at night that paid the bills while I built my business during the day. 

It’s been a wild ride of both personal and professional growth that’s allowed me to do some badass shit. 

Today I run a boutique agency with my incredibly talented team helping world renowned thought leaders build and connect with their audience using custom built quizzes and assessments. 

I’ve helped business owners who are just getting started land their first client and I’ve orchestrated the strategy and execution of 8-figure launches.

It’s a pinch me moment to say this but I’ve helped thousands of business owners to date grow their communities and convert more strangers into clients and customers. 

I believe the solutions to most of the world’s biggest problems already exist. 

I’m here to help the business owners who hold a piece of the puzzle but don’t know where it fits or how to gain momentum. 

If that’s you and you’re looking around asking yourself where you fit in, how you stand out, and how to build a thriving business that gives you energy and leaves the world better than you found it, this is for you.  

My quizzes have attracted hundreds of thousands of qualified leads for my clients and students. And my mission? To help YOU do the same. 

Chanti xx 

Here’s my promise to YOU:

By the time you complete The Quiz Class, you’ll have all the ingredients (even the secret ones 😉) necessary to make a Michelin star-worthy lead magnet… in just DAYS.

One that blows every Buzzfeed quiz you’ve ever taken — even “If you were a banana, which kind would you be?” — out of the water…

… which means you’ll finally be able to build the engaged audience of your dreams. 

  • Avoid getting beaten down by another algorithm change… What’s that, Zuck? You’ve stopped showing my posts to half of my followers? No problemo, buddy. I’ll just shoot ‘em an email… I’ve got rockstar open rates cuz my list loves me so much… 

  • Generate enough sales from your thriving email list to take your online biz from floundering to freakin’ crushing it — which could mean finally ditching your side hustle, retiring your partner, hiring a new team member, or just chillaxing with the security of some extra funds in your business bank account. 

  • Having the confidence to finally launch that course or membership you’ve got bubblin’ away on the back burner. You know, that scaleable offer that’ll help you stop trading your precious time for cash money – seriously, sitting at that desk all day’s messin’ with our spines, am I right?

  • Create the kind of impact that actually changes the world for the better. Because instead of wasting your time struggling to grow your audience, you can focus on the real work. Like creating transformational change with your clients and students. 

Here are a few more beats a lead generating quiz can help you hit: 

Eva Rodriguez

Just wanted to say thank you and share my wonderful quiz results after taking your Quiz workshop a few months ago. I launched my Self-Care Quiz 2 weeks ago and grew my list from around 130 to 500 already!

Creating a quiz to grow your biz in 2024 and beyond?

Heck yes, sign me up!


You know I love questions!

Here are some common ones for the Quiz Class

Q: I have so many unfinished courses on the go, is it really time for me to start another one?

Oh, man. I don’t just see you. I am you. And let me tell you, me, I mean, YOU: this is one workshop that you’ll actually be able to complete. 

Because I created this workshop with you (us?!) in mind. When it’s over, you’ll have everything that you need to quickly create an effective lead magnet by repurposing content you’ve already got.

Don’t forget, done is better than perfect. Once you’ve got your quiz up and running, you can always go back in and tweak it to perfection.

Q: I’ve already got a following on Insta, Facebook, and Twitter. Do I really need to start building my email list?

Go you! 

If you’re already building an audience on social media then it’s definitely the right time to start building your email list.

Because not only is your email list the only audience you actually own (ok, well, not exactly own, per se, but: own access to), but email’s about a gazillion times better for conversions than social media. 

Seriously, the average ROI on email marketing is $44 for every $1 spent, or 4400% (<== basically a gazillion, right?). Whereas the average ROI on social media ad spend is, well, a whole heck-of-a-lot less than that. 

Or, as Optinmonster puts it 👇

Q: How is this different from your Grow with Quizzes course? 

Grow with Quizzes is far more in-depth and teaches you how to create an entire quiz funnel from top to bottom — I’m talkin’ quiz, welcome sequence, sales emails, Facebook and IG ads, and more. It’s an incredibly worthwhile, but time-intensive process that not everyone is ready for. 

This workshop mainly focuses on one part of a quiz funnel — arguably the most important part, the actual quiz! 

I created this class by curating just the info you need to arm yourself to create your minimum viable quiz in a relatively short period of time. 

Q: Ok, but can’t I just do this all on my own?

Can you ever! But you haven’t yet, have you? 

Because it takes time. A whole lotta precious time 🎶…  

And even more effort to figure out how to do it right, right? 

Lucky for you, I’ve put in the time and effort it takes to get quizzes right.

Over the last 7 years I’ve developed a proven system for building quizzes that create the kind of empathy and connection it takes to convert leads into customers. 

So you can learn from my mistakes, save your precious time and invest only a bit of your precious money to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it right, child 🎶…

(Sorry, I couldn’t help myself… )

Q: When do I get access to the course materials?

Watch your inbox a few minutes after joining. You'll get access to the members area, course material, and all future updates will be yours right away.

Q: What if I want to join Grow with Quizzes in this future, does it make sense to do Quiz Class first?

It sure does, and if or when you're ready to create your whole quiz funnel with me inside of Grow with Quizzes you'll get your investment in Quiz Class OFF the total investment for GwQ.

How do I know if it's right for where I'm at in my biz?

“Ok, Chanti, I can tell this workshop could be a revolution for my email list, but

Let me make it easy for you, friend — if you can check ✔ “Yes!” to 4 out of these next 8 questions, then this workshop’s your ticket to a connected and growing audience… 

Read on and tally ‘em up:

Your online biz is pretty new and you’re just getting started with list building. You know you need an audience. And you’re pretty sure there’s something to this whole segmentation thing you keep hearing about.

You’ve been playing the online game for a while now. You’ve tried a couple of different lead gen techniques and you’ve worked hard to build a small audience. Now it’s time to take it to the next level. And really connect with the human beings out there that need what you have to offer.

You’re a copywriter that wants the quick ‘n dirty version of how to create a quiz so you can offer them to clients. 

You’re a life-long learner. You like learning new skills and have a bit of energy to invest in learning how to create and set up your quiz (with my help, of course! Don’t forget about that tech tutorial).

How’d you do?

If you could answer 4 outta 8 with a big nod “Mmmhm,” now’s the perfect time for you to seriously grow your audience with The Quiz Class

✔ You’re afraid that if you don’t do something to move the needle soon, you might never be able to build the audience you need to really make an actual impact in the world (and launch that incredible course or program you’ve been dreaming up).

You’re excited about being able to connect with your audience in more meaningful ways. And you like the idea of being able to get to know who they are and what they need right from the get-go because you *know* there’s power in sending someone the right message at the right time... 

You want a lead magnet that’s so fun people actually want to give you their email address. And that provides so much value that they even share it.

You’ve got a couple of hours to spend with me learning how to create a quiz that converts. And you’re committed to getting your own quiz out there in the world.

Mama Coach and Founder of In Essence Coaching

Alexandra Hughes

“My quiz has made the biggest difference in growing my community out of everything I’ve ever done in 3 years of building my business. I’m just so grateful for your brain, Chanti! 

In the beginning of April I had just under 2,000 subscribers. By May, I was up to 3,000. Plus I’m getting these amazing conversion rates. With my small Facebook ads budget, it’s wonderful to be getting leads for between .50-1.00. It’s also been an amazing way to grow my Facebook community. The conversion rate for my quiz is 61.4% and almost 4,500 mamas have taken it! 

The experience working with Chanti was so EASY. But seriously, this resonates so well with my people. Everyone talks about how it’s so right on and how grateful they are to have this resource that gives them more clarity and awareness. It’s a perfect first step for them.”

Alexandra Hughes grew her list more in the 2 weeks after launching her quiz than she did in the entire 3 years she’d been running her coaching business

Can I teach you a simple method to create a quiz that does just that? 


The big difference between online business owners who are growing an engaged and excited audience with ease and confidence…  

… and those who’re struggling to get a few leads with yet another unopened e-book or boring checklist is the ability to create 

So there you have it, friend. 

If the answer is yes, I’ll see you inside The Quiz Class!

Heck yes, sign me up!